Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Straight Talk on McCain

For a candidate who has focused his campaign on 'straight' talk and rides around on the Straight Talk Express, he certainly addressed the media confidently and calmly regarded the New York Times”>
hit the Web.

The article alleges, among other things, that Senator McCain engaged in an affair with lobbyist Vicki Iseman. But there is so much more in the article, and as one of the 2430 comments posted on paper's Web site noted "how are people supposed to read or see anything other than that?"

I heard the press conference over XM radio in the car on the way down to Austin for the Democratic debate. Standing by to offer instant analysis was political contributor Bill Bennett. He said that in many ways John McCain should thank the New York Times because what he needs some way to unite the conservative conservatives and the moderate rights. Bennett said this could very well be the uniting factor because McCain went after the paper.

The McCain campaign was quick to respond to the article. Learning from previous candidate’s mistakes, it’s all about damage control – even if you have nothing to hide. Poliics 101: It’s better to get it out on the table and defuse any rumors that might be floating around then to let it circulate in the media. John Kerry learned this the hard way when he didn’t respond to Swift Boat Ads in 2004 and remained silent. On the McCain Web site, Campaign Manager Rick Davis blogs about how the campaign needs your help to combat the attack from the Liberal Left. How can you help? Donating money $$$$.

Check out this Times article that looks at the rest of the Senator's day after the press conference.

One CBS blog by Andante Higgins said that the McCain campaign was pleased with the response that they were receiving by the end of the first full day after the article had been published.

Meghan McCain blogs about how lucky she is and how great of a person her father is. You should really check out her blog. It's an interesting, inside look at the McCain campaign that really no one else could provide.

This blog on DAILY KOS essentially says that if you "have yourself a suit and a hankering to attack the media then you could get on T.V." This blog captures in quotation boxes some of what the blogger perceives as jabs at the media.

There is an overwhelming amount of information from both sides of the aisle out there. Most all of it is critical in some way. I personally think that this gave the McCain campaign the perfect chance to unite the party behind something that they see as "the enemy," the liberal media. Personally, when I read the article I was skeptical of the anonymous sources especially when the substance of what they were sourcing was an attack right at McCain's character and personal life. It is pretty bold to accuse someone of having a relationship outside of their marriage when you have no proof to present to your readers. I do think that the media serves a purpose and a watchdog function on the people who are putting themselves out on the line to serve as President of the United just might have been nice for there to have been a little more substance to their accusations.

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